[Wyewood] Proposed Customary Amendments - Send them in!

alessandra.dm via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Aug 29 15:40:56 PDT 2016

Greetings Wyewood,
We had a lively discussion on Friday at our business meeting and I promised to
share the two proposed amendment changes as an example of how additional changes
should be submitted for consideration and commentary.  The plan is for these
two, and possibly others, to be voted on during our business meeting on Sep-23.
 A two-thirds majority of populace present is required to pass each amendment.
Proposed amendments MUST be send to the Wyewood Email list
<wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>.  They should also be copied to our Facebook page.
*  Please list who is presenting the amendment (SCA and Modern names both).
*  Provide background on why you feel the existing wording needs to be changed.
*  List the existing Customary entry wording.
*  List the proposed wording.
1. Proposed Amendment to Wyewood Customary
Submitted by: HL Alessandra da Montefeltro / Denise Garlington
We are currently out of compliance with our Customary for our Archery Champion.
 Additionally I received a request from our Arts & Sciences Champion to review
our requirements as they pertain to Champions of Wyewood, and after comparing
our customary to that of 10 other Baronies within An Tir, I propose the
following amendment.
As it exists now:
8.2.1.d) Wyewood Champions shall not be Champions in another branch during their
tenure (excluding Kingdom or Principalities)
New wording:
8.2.1.d) Wyewood Champions shall not be Champions in another branch during their
tenure without prior permission of the Baron and Baroness (excluding Kingdom or
2.  Proposed Amendment to Wyewood Customary
Submitted by: HL Alessandra da Montefeltro / Denise Garlington
We are currently out of compliance with our Customary for our Archery Champion.
 Additionally I received a request from our Arts & Sciences Champion to review
our requirements as they pertain to Champions of Wyewood, and after comparing
our customary to that of 10 other Baronies within An Tir, I propose the
following amendment.
As it exists now:
16.1.5) Amendments shall not affect anything enacted before their passage.
New wording:
16.1.5) Amendments shall not affect anything enacted before their passage
without permission of the Baron and Baroness.
Thank you for your attention on this matter.
Alessandra da Montefeltro
Seneschal Wyewood

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