[Wyewood] Please Forward - Consult Table at Arts Unframed

Barbara via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Aug 25 18:34:52 PDT 2016

Please share with other local SCA groups!

Looking for help or feedback on A&S projects or research? Bring your questions to the Arts and Sciences Consult table at Arts Unframed, October 8 in Wyewood. Here is a schedule of when our expert artisans will be available to give feedback and guidance on your current and potential work at the Arts and Sciences Consult Table.

9:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Mistress Elizabeth Blackdane - Costuming, esp 16th century; basic research
Sir Michael Richard the Tall- Shoemaking, leatherworking
Sir Stefan of Pembroke - Metalworking, esp. lost wax and bronze casting
Mistress Alisaundre ni Feidhleimeidh dal gCais - Performing arts

12:30-2:30 PM
Dame Madrun y Gwehyddes - Weaving, bookbinding, embroidery, kumihimo, leather tooling
Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol - Culinary, costuming
Baron Duncan Angus MacDonald - Ceramics
Mistress Eulalia Piebakere - Culinary, 13th and 14th century culture, research papers

2:30-4:30 PM
Mistess Isolde de la Vielle-a-Roue - vocal and instrumental music, costuming
Magistra Turrean ni Chaoilte dal gCais - Scribal arts
Mistress Annisa Elisabetta Gabrielli - Scribal arts, equestrian, 14th c. costume
Marquessa Laurellen de Brandevin - costuming, oil painting, embroidery, jewelry

 In Service,

Dame Esclarmonde de Porcairages

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