[Wyewood] lost sword bag on I-5

SARAH Maiser via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Aug 21 18:56:38 PDT 2016

Please forward to any list that you are on.
On our way home from Autumn War on Sunday we lost a gold canvas bag with all of Aquaterra`s youth combat swords. It was around mile marker 86 on I-5, after the outlet stores in Centralia and before Great Wolf lodge, that bag escaped. We lost a stove and a few others thing but when we ran back to get them other people had already picked them up. One car stopped and gave us back our tarp but the truck that picked up our swords did not stop to return them. Please keep your eyes and ears open for them.  Most of the swords have a small round circle with Aquaterra`s heradry on the bottom of the hilt. Sword are grey with a red striking mark. They are 3/4 in rattan core with padding.
We need them right away for the up coming youth cambat event. I can be reached at Redsonia21 at hotmail.com if anyone has any info on these swords.

Sarah Pixie

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