[Wyewood] Aquaterra A&S Champions - deadline Aug 13
Yvette du Coeur via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Aug 9 09:40:53 PDT 2016
A reminder for those interested in competing in A&S at Aquaterra's
champions. The deadline to declare is this Saturday, Aug 13.
If you wish to submit your letters of intent, please email myself (
yvetteducoeur at gmail dot com) and Their Excellencies ( coronets at
aquaterra dot antir dot sca dot org ). Please include a brief description
of your entries.
Entry requirements:
2 entries - 1 must be an art, 1 must be a science
1 of the entries must be finished, and 1 must be in progress
Presentation & judging:
Each competitor will have 30 to present and field questions from the
judges, for each entry. After each presentation, judges will discuss and
score. Please provide at least 4 copies of presentation for the judges to
read. We will be using the Kingdom judging forms.
Tables and chairs will be provided. Please bring your own table coverings.
HL Yvette du Coeur
Student of Dame Eleanor of Leycestershyre, OL
Head of Costumer's Guild, Barony of Aquaterra
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