[Wyewood] Culinary - April 2016

Mara Jensen via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Apr 23 11:57:16 PDT 2016

Good Day Lords & Ladies,

*Theme:* Pasta

*When:* Wednesday April 27rd 6pm - ?

*Location*: 4412 S 160th Street Tukwila, WA 98188 (please park on the
street in the pull outs)
Address is a little hard to see, but there is a yellow post in the shared
driveway with 4410 on it and I am the house in the front.

*What to bring:*
2 Containers 1 for pasta & 1 for dough
1 small bag (1lb) Semolina or 00 Flour (please let me know what type of
flour you are bringing since we will be making them in pairs)

*What we are making:*I will need to get a headcount since will be making
pasta, and in order to sheet pasta you need 2 sets of hands to make it
easier. Also, pasta is lazy food according to Thomas, because it has to
rest 30 minutes before we can work the dough. Therefore I will need a
headcount so I can have some dough made in advance.

Pasta Types to make: Ravioli, Spaghetti, Linguini, Fettuccini, etc.. We may
not have time to make everything. We can make a simple sauce to eat some of
the pasta with. You will be taking either pasta and/or pasta dough home.

Looking forward to seeing everyone.
Have a great week.

Maura da Vicopisano

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