[Wyewood] Wyewood at the UW Medicinal Herb Garden

Gwen MacAuslane via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Apr 23 08:29:53 PDT 2016

Rauthulfr and others interested in going,
I've found the park and ride at Tukwila Station not bad on weekends.
But you could assemble at the Burien Park and Ride, take the F bus to
Tukwila, then go up to the Light Rail.  If you have an ORCA card, it
counts as a transfer between F Bus and the Train, but if one is paying
cash, the bus transfer won't work.  Option #2 is to buy an ORCA card
at Burien Park & Ride.

Same F bus leaves SouthCenter Mall and heads towards Tukwila Station.
There may be other buses, to get to Tukwila, but the F route is the
one I'm most familiar with for weekends.

I'll be taking the F bus from home and riding to Tukwila.  Are we
planning to leave Tukwila around 1:00 or arriving at UW around 1:00?
It'll take about an hour for travel time.  Here's the link to the F
bus schedule:


On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 10:50 AM, M Wolfe via Wyewood
<wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:
> Greetings from Rauthulfr who has his email back!
> On the Afternoon of April 30 some of us are going to take the light rail up to the University of Washington for a visit to the Medicinal Herb Garden. It's an amazing place with a rare collection of medicinal herbs, many of which were important in the Medieval and Renaissance periods.
> Because parking at the UW is far too expensive, we'll be taking the light rail up from the Tukwilla station at about 1:00
> And because parking at the lightrail station is scarce, we'll need to carpool there. Any ideas as to where we ought to assemble?
> There is a Facebook event page for this, but, naturally that isn't official.
> YIS Rauthulfr
> http://staff.washington.edu/boerm/uwmhg/comnames.php
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