[Wyewood] Twelfth Night 2017 - monthly report
Debra Greywolf via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Apr 20 16:06:09 PDT 2016
I will not be at the business meeting on Friday night. Please find my
report below.
Things are on track with regards to Twelfth Night 2017.
-The hotel is continuing to take reservations at the SCA rate. Please note
that they are no longer required to do this. An early reservation is a good
-I am seeking volunteers. Specific needs are: coordinator of site tokens,
coordinator for decorations, and a royal liaison. If you are interested in
assisting with any of these, please send me a message.
-Registrations for merchants will be accepted beginning May 1st.
-Given the recent change with regards to the wording of NMS to Member
Discount, I am assuming that Kingdom Law will be updated and the site fee
changed to $25 from $20. This does not change the price that would be paid
by individuals, just how it is worded.
Liadain ni Sheanachain
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