[Wyewood] Fwd: Project Day

Debra Greywolf via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Apr 16 15:30:23 PDT 2016


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Debra Greywolf <debra.greywolf at gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 10:19 PM
Subject: Project Day
To: "wyewood at wyewood.org" <wyewood at wyewood.org>

Project Day at the Greywolf Den
Sunday, April 17th 11am-4pm

Come by before fight practice, or after practice, or instead of practice.
Bring a hand project, a new project or just yourself.
We're located 1 mile south of FCS (on SE 184th St, at 116th Ave SE). The
green banner will be out at the driveway (or you could message me for
specific directions).

​-Liadian and Ramon​

Debra Greywolf 206-795-0447

Debra Greywolf 206-795-0447

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