[Wyewood] Baroness War

Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Apr 10 17:04:30 PDT 2016

Baroness War was a wonderful event, and Robert and I have so many 
Wyewoodians to thank.

I would first like to thank Baron Robert for his constant humor and 
hospitality. He did us proud in the Bardic competition Friday night as well.

Our Courtier Marguarit fitz Williams ran a smooth and challenging 
archery range. I heard all weekend how much everyone enjoyed the shoots. 
She also came in 3rd in the Baroness Championship in archery today. 
Geoffrey of the Reeds took second. Wyewood took a war point for 
participation with Marguarite, Geoffrey, Ana, and Sara de Bonneville 

I had a great time running the rapier-  Master Sebastian more than 
sufficiently took my place as a fighter for Wyewood by taking our favor 
and fighting for Wyewood this weekend.  I was able to again "fight for 
my own hand" at Baroness War, and Fergus of Wastekeep joined me and 
fought well and with chivalry, and a ton of humor.

Deborah, Natasha, Sara and Alamanda did such a great job of caring for 
everyone, and making sure many enjoyed the hospitality of Wyewood's 
pavilion. It was wonderful having John join us, and he fought 
ferociously for Vulkanfeldt and our allies.

Thank you everyone, for making it a wonderful and weekend, and for 
making the Wye- WOOD! call and answer started by Heinrich such a popular 
cry that it actually closed closing court at the end of the event. As 
the last shout of An Tir was called, someone in court (not me) yelled 
WYE! and the entire court and populace replied- "WOOD!"

Wyewood is the best barony EVER.

In service and love,

Baroness Gabrielle

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