[Wyewood] FW: [wyewood] fyrd history

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Sep 29 18:47:26 PDT 2015

Some early Fyrd stuff



> Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2008 12:15:42 -0700
> From: sebastian.ffraser at gmail.com
> To: ren.touch at juno.com
> CC: wyewood at wyewood.org
> Subject: Re: [wyewood] fyrd hist Re: [wyewood] I guess the cats out of the bag
> You are very right Johann, we do not record the glories of SCA war very well.
> In fact I am looking for an aspiring Bard to do just that.
> To listen to the "No $#!^ there I was" stories of several people and
> piece together the entire scene.
> Much like the story of 300 was told in the movie.
> I grow sick of listening to bards who memorize the stories of long ago
> and retell them in a shortened version around the camp fires. I know
> the story of Beowulf, I can go read it at my leisure. Tell me a  tale
> I don't know.
> I would love to see a bard who takes the heroes of today, and
> immortalizes their deeds into words for the next generation to hear.
> But I am not a bard...
> And I am sure that I can not cover all the deeds of the Fyrd.
> While I was Captain I did not keep a record of what we did, I was a
> bit busy trying to make sure we did something.
> But here is what I can tell you:
> The Fyrd were created in 2004, by the Royal Patrons, Earl Edward Cire
> of Greymoor, and Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol.
> Members of the Fyrd were Heavy Combat fighters and archers who
> volunteered to serve the Shire of Wyewood.
> The Fyrd Roster, in the order that they joined:
> 1. Tristian the Fiddler
> 2. Sebastian
> 3. Sita
> 4. Edric
> 5. Ragnar
> 6. Mehkael
> 7. Rasumus
> 8. Everard
> 9. Tristian de Var
> 10. Patrick
> 11. Alec
> 12. Fae
> 13. Harald
> The most memorable events that I remember:
> An Tir/West 2005 - Battle 1 -
> While protecting the left flank of Clan Carn, the Fyrd encountered a
> unit of no less than 12 Knights. (I actually think it was 15) The Fyrd
> fought a hard fight and slowly lost men and ground to the Knights. In
> the end not a single Fyrdman survived.
> BUT only 3 Knights walked away from that fight, and one of them had
> lost his sword arm.
> As their Captain I took  great pride in seeing the damage they had
> done, and knowing that they had done their job. Those Knights did not
> get to cause any harm to Clan Carn.
> (Who by the way, ended up controlling the right flank and rolling into
> the back field destroying everything in their path.)
> An Tir/West 2005 - The "Shotgun" Bridge  -
> The Fyrd had trained to create and opening in the enemy lines, the
> call for that tactic was "Shotgun"
> While the whole story is much more entertaining, suffice to say the
> Fyrd punched a hole, disrupted a line and opened a path for the
> Western Spartans to move their entire 25 man unit into the West
> Kingdom back field and win the battle.
> Oasis War 2005 - Siege of the Castle -
> This is not a tale of glory, but one the Fyrd should be proud of none the less.
> The Fyrd executed a charge into the doorway of the castle.
> They were told not to stop pressing until they were dead, or they got
> to the back of the castle.
> The initial impact was less than earth shattering, but the defenders
> were not ready for the combined mass of the Fyrd press. The Fyrd
> gained enough ground to bow the defenders back into their
> reinforcements.
> Then all hell broke loose, and we died to a man.
> Members of the Fyrd have had a hand in some of the other memorable
> battles I have been in.
> Alec, Rasmus, and I went to Oasis in 2006 and had a blast in the
> Castle doorway.
> At one point during the press, I saw a spear kinda bouncing on top of
> the dog pile in the door, so I reached over and flipped it back into
> my defender buddies.
> This may not sound all that interesting at first, but considering I
> was IN the dog pile it was one of those rare out of time moments.
> BANG Crash Thump "Oh Look a Spear" Boom Clang Thump
> Turns out it belonged to Rasmus, who had lost his grip during the last
> charge and unarmed, went to go get another weapon.
> When he returned, his spear came bouncing back out to meet him.
> I will have to sit down with folks and piece together the Call to Arms records.
> I am sure some one some where recorded it all.
> Sebastian
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2008 at 8:18 AM, JDS <ren.touch at juno.com> wrote:
> > Hello all
> >
> > Fyrd men and supporters
> > has any one recorded the history of the Fyrd?
> >
> > what is the story the start, the end?
> > the members the wars the glory the possible defeats
> >
> > we in the sca so often do not know our own history and years later we can / will
> >  argue about it
> >
> > will some one save us from failing memory?
> >
> > in service
> > Johann

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