[Wyewood] Archery Celebration Thank Yous

Mike Edwards via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Nov 15 09:59:53 PST 2015

On Sat, 14 Nov 2015 23:55:56 -0800, David Keil via Wyewood 
<wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:
Thank you one and all for coming to the year end celebration of the archery
>   If you have a fun, witty or powerful motto to suggest please do!

Here's a few I liked -

"A long bow and a strong bow,
And let the sky grow dark. 
The nock to the cord, the shaft to the ear,
And a foreign king for a mark!"
-- from "The Song of the Bosonian Archers", by Robert E. Howard

"…the iron tipped arrow shower, when the dark cloud loosed by bow 
strings broke above the shield wall, quivering; when the eager shaft, 
with its feather garb, discharged its duty to the barb."
-- from Beowulf

In archery we have something like the way of the superior man. When the 
archer misses the center of the target, he turns round and seeks for 
the cause of his failure in himself.     -- Confucius

So long as the new moon returns in heaven a bent, beautiful bow, so 
long will the fascination of archery keep hold in the hearts of 
men.     -- Maurice Thompson

"Never trust a man whose butt is wider than his shoulders"

"If archer shoots just for fun he has all his skill. 
If he shoots for score his hands tremble and his breath is uneasy. 
If he shoots for a golden price he becomes mad and blind. 
His skill was not lessened, but the vision of the target changed him."
Old Chinese poem

Nothing is wrong with the bow usually except for the nut attached to 
the handle

The arrow is an extension of your soul. 

A bad day at the range is better than a good day at work. 

Man, I hate their f&*#(!^ archers. But, I love ours.  - Michelino di 
Gino Martini, at a war


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