[Wyewood] Archery Celebration Thank Yous
David Keil via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Nov 14 23:55:56 PST 2015
Thank you one and all for coming to the year end celebration of the archery
I really had little clue how many would show and to have 20 archers show
and have all the reserved tables filled was wonderful.
Thank you for the applause for those that earned their ranking medallions
that we may proudly display and hopefully upgrade this next season! They
were done by Aetheria, Dragomira, Ashley and Zach so you know who to thank
for creating them.
Thank you to our Baron and Baroness to come and present the IKAC medallions
and join in the celebration as our royalty and fellow archers. It's always
a pleasure.
Thank you for the lively discussion about a possible new range. All
opinions and perspectives are welcome. It has some hurdles to clear but
this is something I would like to see come to fruition so all can benefit.
Background: Aaron in Issaquah recently purchased a house with stables and a
covered arena that can fit a range that could shoot Royal Rounds. It is in
Port d' Leau (canton of Madrone) so there will need to be discussion
between the branches. Of course all are invited to play and there is no
intention for this to replace the range near IKEA but to be an alternate
date to shoot instead. With the recent weather situation there is a
desire for a covered range in the wet season.
Stay tuned on this one...
We also floated a Wyewood Archers T-shirts. Ashley recently designed a new
Bubba motif that impressed everyone at the celebration. I mentioned
wanting a slogan for it and John submitted "We have come for your
medallions." On the trip home I thought of "Shoot for Glory." If you have
a fun, witty or powerful motto to suggest please do! Xenos is going to
check with some vendors on pricing
And Thank You to our TAMs who helped make sure the range will have marshals
through January of 2016.
On the way home I decided to check on the range. All the tarps are in
place despite the winds but the ground is super saturated by all the rain
and every stepped squished as I forayed to the 40 yard butts. I had to
stop at around 33 yards as the standing water told me clearly the creek
that was bone dry this summer is now full and likely overfilled. We may
want to visit plans to turn the range east-west for the winter if the range
stays this wet.
Proudly Chief Archer,
Evrard de Valogne
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