[Wyewood] Archers: Celebration Location Change! AFK is full :(

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Nov 13 12:56:38 PST 2015

Greetings archers!

In the fine tradition of being flexible in the face of adversity the
location is just moving a couple of blocks down to the Round Table Pizza in
Renton just across from the range and just west of IKEA.

We have a firm reservation for 6:15.

Personally this is starting to remind me of days in my youth of after
baseball or soccer season we would meet at the local Pizza Haven for awards
and such.  So please don't mind me if I get a little nostalgic!

Date: 11/14/15
Time: 6:15 reservation under David Keil (I might be a little late, work and
Location: Round Table Pizza in Renton.  Address: 302 SW 43rd St., Renton
Menu Link: http://www.roundtablepizza.com/rtp/menu.asp?ftype=specialty

Hope to see you there!
Evrard de Valogne

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