[Wyewood] FCS scheduling dilemma every November and December
jorunn_aslaksdotter@juno.com via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Nov 11 16:16:17 PST 2015
Is there some reason FCS night was chosen to be on the 2nd and 4th Fridays rather than the 1st and 3rd? Looking at calendars for the next few years:
The 4th Friday always comes the day after Thanksgiving except in the years when November starts on a Friday, which will happen, for example, in 2019 and 2024. In those cases, the 4th Friday comes six days before Thanksgiving.
The 4th Friday falls on these dates:
2016: Dec 23 -- 2 days before Christmas
2017: Dec 22 -- 3 days before Christmas
2018: Dec 28 -- 3 days after Christmas
2019: Dec 27 -- 2 days after Christmas
2020: Dec 25 -- Christmas day itself
The 4th Friday will always fall into this 7-day range: 22nd - 28th, with Christmas day right smack in the middle. I would love to still meet for two FCS's even in November and December if they could be moved further away from the holidays. As in, the 1st and 3rd Fridays rather than the 2nd and 4th. Just sayin' ...:) jorunn
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