[Wyewood] Archery/Thrown Weapons, EggFest and YOU
David Keil via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue May 19 20:01:03 PDT 2015
Greetings archers,
I just took a call from our contact at AES, the home of our range.
Apparently the mowing that was done this weekend was just to knock the
grass down so the lawn care people AES has contracted with can come in
starting Thursday to mow and seed the field.
So, tomorrow evening after archery practice we are taking down the range
and moving it to the west end like we usually do. It will be reset after
they have hosted Egg-Fest and give approval to set the range back up.
EggFest is Saturday June 6th. If you love food go to this event as we know
one of the cookers (Sir Gerlakr who shows up to shoot at our range.)
So, if you can help tomorrow night that would be great. Bring gloves.
Also, in the intervening weekends there are some great events to attend,
Mayfaire in Glymm Mere and Junefaire in Dragonslaire come to mind and both
have archery!
To conclude, we are suspended for the next three weekends and will resume
Saturday practices June 13th.
In Service,
Evrard de Valogne
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