[Wyewood] 5/16/15 Archery practice report

David Keil via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun May 17 10:32:33 PDT 2015

A cloudy morning greeted us but also a mowed expanse as well, yay!  20
Gentles came for archery but stayed for thrown weapons.  We now have three
knife/axe targets on the line and two for spears so it's a real range these
One thing that brings me joy on the range is watching people try new
styles.  A newer archer, Cathy, was loaned a period longbow and arrows by
Wulfwyn and recorded scores her first day and did very well.  Huzzah for
new things!

To the Scores!
Daffyd de Doake: 87
Dragomira Sokolov: 79
Emma: 68
Giulia Stanizi: 31

Wulfwyn: 73

Daffyd de Doake: 90
Tymme Lytefelow: 92

Period Open:
Wulfwyn: 46

Period Longbow:
Cathy: 42 (first time, NICE JOB!)

Period Crossbow:
Daffyd de Doake: 86
Tymme Lytefelow: 90
Evrard de Valogne: 104

In service,
Evrard de Valogne
Chief Archer of Wyewood

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