[Wyewood] An Tir May Crown,GT,EMT,JF & more

JDS via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun May 10 16:07:59 PDT 2015

An Tir Mighty & Marvelous 

Huzzah their Majesties & Highness's

Huzzah Avacal We will miss you and welcome you.


May Crown this coming weekend 


May Crown Lists Prereg :
There is only an hour, from 8am to 9am, Saturday morning to register
for the tournament on site.
 Please pre-register if you plan to fight
in the tournament.

To pre-register simply send this information to me at
lists at antir.sca.org or blaze2242 at gmail.com.

1. Fighting title (e.g., Duke, Countess, Viscount, Sir)
2. SCA name
3. Modern name
4. SCA membership number and expiry date
If you are a Squire or Man-At-Arms (and to whom)
6.If you are a champion or sergeant.
7. Your SCA Branch
8. The main fight practices you attend, up to 3

1. Title (e.g., Duchess, Count, Viscountess, Master, Her Ladyship, Lord)
2. SCA name
3. Modern name
4. SCA membership number and expiry date

The memberships and fighting authorization will be confirmed, and you
will receive an email from Lists containing your pre-registration
number as confirmation. Your lists shield will be pulled for you; if
you don't have one, we have some delightfully cute lists shields for
loan. All you will need to do on tourney day is to let Lists know
you're there, and go to the heralds for your processional card.

Thanks for making Lists job easier, and hopefully, making it a better
event for you - saving everyone some time and pressure on the morning
of the Crown Tourney.

Pre-registration deadline is Wednesday, May 13th at 8pm. Please find
information about the event at:


HL Rose Atherton
List Mistress, An Tir

Grand Thing X
I have  seen the lists of things Planned 
some of the prizes to be won.
Heard of word fame
and Saturday night a Norse trade blanket
for period  & Peri-oid things

Always some thing to see & learn.
great event, how many years?

June Fair  a month away Preregister is by by mail 
large groups and RV please pay heed so 
you may be accommodated 


help is always needed for June faire one of the biggest demos we have.

Lots to do look at the Kingdom Calendar 
maybe try some thing new this year.


May You and yours be most well.
Make Good choices.

Johann F 
Fwd Guy, cave dweller
and occasional archer 




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