[Wyewood] Waterbearing Needs at An Tir West War
Lori Parker via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Jun 28 20:15:31 PDT 2015
Greetings to the list-
As you prepare for An Tir West War, please remember that our Fighters,
Rapier, Hardsuit and YAK as well as our archers need to stay hydrated!
Please consider adding a bag of oranges, container of Gatorade, or jar of
pickles to your camping list.
Water, oranges, pickles, Gatorade and pretzels are the staples of
waterbearing needs. Our fighters and archers are all out there, trying to
win the War for US! Show your support by contributing to the War Effort!
If you cannot contribute supplies (or even if you can!) consider also the
opportunity to volunteer in the most gratifying way- waterbearing is
extremely important, and our fighters and archer all appreciate your effort!
Donations may be dropped off at The Norse Gypsy Forge on merchants row, or
at any waterbearing station.
Thank you all in advance-
Yours, In Service,
En Service Au Rêve,
*Alizand Thorgeirsson née Lefevre*
*Vert, a chevron enarched within and conjoined at the point to a chevron
argent between two fleurs-de-lys and a Thor's hammer Or*
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