[Wyewood] June Culinary - Wrap Up

Mara Jensen via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jun 25 11:34:27 PDT 2015

Although we had a lot of fun making the cheeses it was not super
successful. We had two new people who joined us, Don & Auora.
The Motzerella didn't really come together into a ball and the ricotta
didn't yield a whole lot of cheese, but enough to do a few stuffed shells
or a small pan of baked zeti.

I completely forgot to give Sofia some citric acid to take home for the

The marscapone was good, although it was a little runnier than I usually
get. It poured great over the berries.

I like the idea of cheese making, but I'm not very good at it myself.

The instructor I took my classes from is super knowledgeable and still
holds classes. Mark Solomon's information can be located at his website:
http://www.seattlecheesemaking.com/ and contains the information for his
upcoming classes.


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