[Wyewood] Waterbearing Opportunities
Lori Parker via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jun 18 21:18:21 PDT 2015
Greetings to the List!
An Tir West War is fast approaching, and volunteers are needed to help
assure the hydration of our fighters!
Help is needed in the area of water and pickle donations (remember, there
is a drought, and we can't count on water being in abundance on site).
Also, if you can spare a few minutes or hours to help cut, fill, refill or
carry it would be appreciated! We need to cover the hardsuit, rapier,
archery and youth combat! Thats a lot of ground, and every hand counts!
Please contact me at alizaunde @ gmail.com , or simply stop by the
waterbearing station.
PM or email me if you have questions or comments!
En Service Au Rêve,
*Alizand Thorgeirsson née Lefevre*
*Vert, a chevron enarched within and conjoined at the point to a chevron
argent between two fleurs-de-lys and a Thor's hammer Or*
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