[Wyewood] Swap meet/garage sale at Champions!

via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Jun 17 16:56:34 PDT 2015

Greetings - 

We are having a garage sale/swap meet at Champions!!! Bring anything that's mostly period to sell or trade, like: fabric, garb, shoes, archery stuff (arrows? bows?), feast gear, camping stuff, armour/fighting gear, fencing goodies, books, costuming things, crafty stuff (fiber? yarn? glass? wood?) ANYTHING! I would love for this to be an annual sale/swap with loads of good finds and useful stuff that people will look forward to all year! 

You'll have to watch your own stuff, or pay a kid to watch it for you smile emoticon 

If you want to put your stuff on a table, please bring one! 

If you want to lay stuff out on the ground please bring a throw or tarp or piece of fabric. 

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