[Wyewood] Newsletter requests!
via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Jun 9 21:23:39 PDT 2015
Greetings Peeps!
I am putting together my first newsletter and would like to include some stuff from some of you. I have updates from most of the officers thanks to the business meeting, but I'd like to add in a blurb or two from the guilds and others not at the business meeting. If you're on this list and would like to contribute can you get back to me by the 15th, please?
A&S - Classes coming up?
Thrown Weapons - An update?
Music guild - just a couple of sentences or paragraph telling us what you've been doing?
Fiber guild - same as music?
Culinary guild - Can I get a recipe from someone and maybe a blurb about what you're working on?
Escarmonde - can I have a write up about your event?
I'd like the newsletter to be a way for our populace that can't get to a FCS or business meeting to stay connected to us. Know what's going on, what's being planned. So if you'd like to submit something, (e.g. largesse ideas, camping ideas, garb ideas?), please email me!
Thanks much,
Wyewood chronicler
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