[Wyewood] Junefaire

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Jun 8 07:07:51 PDT 2015

In spite of the somber undertones because of the losses to families in our
Baron this week. Junefaire was a wonderful event.

I wish to give my thanks to everyone who made Wyewood rock at 
Junefaire. A partial list. Because I just know I will leave several people 
out. (which I find hightly annoying when I do it. )  Tim Geyer​, 
Ruslund Geyer​, Megan Vashti Robertson​, Eric Olsen​,Ramona Cummings-Olsen​ Debbie Tatarek Dunham​, Vilda Leusch​, 
Evrard de Valogne​, Zephra Kojima Ha'nako Taylor​ and many others who 
I don't know if they are on FB or not.
A special thanks to Mike Donato Asino Freeman​ for doing yeoman 
work as our chamberlain!
Baron Robert  		 	   		  

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