[Wyewood] Wyewood at Autumn War 2015

Yvette du Coeur via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jul 30 09:50:07 PDT 2015

I would like to reserve a 30x30 for 2 tents and a pop up, please.  Thank

Yvette du Coeur

Head of Costumer's Guild, Barony of Aquaterra
Chamberlain, Barony of Aquaterra

On Wed, Jul 15, 2015 at 12:06 PM, 'Jason Pfafman' via Wyewood list via
Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:

> Greetings unto the fair populace of Wyewood:
> Your baronial warband captain, Constantine Trewpeny, sends you dire news
> that all is not well along our borders.  Steadfast and true Gabrielle,
> Baroness, is deeply concerned by scouts reporting that Vikings mass even
> now in preparation to sack Paris, a city dear to Her Excellency.  Obey the
> Coronets, and ready yourselves for war!
> Wyewood will be establishing an encampment for our troops and those
> supporting the effort.  I shall be acting in the capacity of camp wrangler,
> so if you would like to camp with Wyewood, please send me your space
> requirements no later than Friday, July 31.  This event has something for
> everyone, including archery, rapier, Arts & Sciences, children's
> activities, merchant shopping, and of course, plenty of heavy combat.
> What: Autumn WarWhen: August 12th-17th (the majority of activities are
> Fri-Sun)Where: Nix Farm, ChehalisEvent Site:
> http://autumnwar.blathaanoir.org/
> Pre-registration closes Friday, July 31st.  Note that with the
> discontinuance of Acceps, pre-registration is by snail-mail. Please refer
> to the web site for mailing address and other details.
> Signed by my hand this fifteenth day of July at the manor Constantinople,
> the year of Our Lord, 2015
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