[Wyewood] Stanwood Camano Fair Demo in one week

valspajamas via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sun Jul 26 15:28:05 PDT 2015

Don Donatello and I can come up for the demo on saturday. We can demo fencing and if you want I can bring a spinning wheel and yarn to demo? We can bring a pop-up for shade and we'll see if we can borrow a day shade from wyewood...

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE Smartphone

<div>-------- Original message --------</div><div>From: 'Gideon' via Wyewood list via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> </div><div>Date:07/24/2015  9:02 AM  (GMT-08:00) </div><div>To: Barony of Aquaterra <reeds at antir.sca.org>, Wyewood List <wyewood at wyewood.org>, Madrone List <madrone at antir.sca.org> </div><div>Subject: [Wyewood] Stanwood Camano Fair Demo in one week </div><div>
</div>Greetings All:
The Stanwood Camano Fair is in one week. The demo we are doing is from Friday thru Sunday. I need to hear from all who are coming and what you are doing. I know some have responded already but I need to hear from you again. Remember, this demo occurs so that we have the site for the Sargentry Trials that your Baronies are doing. Please come out and support this endeavor. We can set up Thursday afternoon for those of you using pavilions though, I have only heard from one couple who is to date. We would like to have a good showing. Please contact me as soon as possible so I know what to prepare for.
Thank you for supporting this demo.
Gideon Hrafensfuri 
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Wyewood at lists.wyewood.org

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