[Wyewood] Fiber Night Date Change (?)

Barbara via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jul 16 15:18:13 PDT 2015

Greetings Wyewood,
Those present at the Fiber Night at the Benson Starbucks last night would like to propose a change in the regular meeting time for Fiber/Threadworkers night from the 3rd Wednesday to the 1st Thursday.  We happen to have a pretty good size group in this discussion, including both regulars and some folks who cannot usually make it on its current night. 
If there is some reason that this change should not be made please speak to the whole list, not to me personally.  I am not the head of the group (I'm not sure we really have a head) but just happen to be taking the initiative with starting the discussion.  If I hear silence on the e-mail list and FB I will assume the change is OK and ask our web mistress to put it on the calendar appropriately. 
In Service,

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