[Wyewood] Wyewood at Autumn War 2015
'Jason Pfafman' via Wyewood list via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Jul 15 12:06:05 PDT 2015
Greetings unto the fair populace of Wyewood:
Your baronial warband captain, Constantine Trewpeny, sends you dire news that all is not well along our borders. Steadfast and true Gabrielle, Baroness, is deeply concerned by scouts reporting that Vikings mass even now in preparation to sack Paris, a city dear to Her Excellency. Obey the Coronets, and ready yourselves for war!
Wyewood will be establishing an encampment for our troops and those supporting the effort. I shall be acting in the capacity of camp wrangler, so if you would like to camp with Wyewood, please send me your space requirements no later than Friday, July 31. This event has something for everyone, including archery, rapier, Arts & Sciences, children's activities, merchant shopping, and of course, plenty of heavy combat.
What: Autumn WarWhen: August 12th-17th (the majority of activities are Fri-Sun)Where: Nix Farm, ChehalisEvent Site: http://autumnwar.blathaanoir.org/
Pre-registration closes Friday, July 31st. Note that with the discontinuance of Acceps, pre-registration is by snail-mail. Please refer to the web site for mailing address and other details.
Signed by my hand this fifteenth day of July at the manor Constantinople, the year of Our Lord, 2015
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