[Wyewood] Artisans at Arts Unframed are Posted!
Barbara via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Jul 14 13:31:53 PDT 2015
Please forward to local lists that have not
already received this message.
Greetings An Tir!
Haven’t yet decided to attend Arts Unframed? Check out the event website, An Tir calendar or Facebook page
to see all the artisans and Laurels who will be participating! Come to get feedback on possible A&S
competition entries, and discuss your current and future projects with experts
in armoring, blacksmithing, music, culinary arts, jewelry, research papers,
costuming, scribal arts, storytelling, ceramics, painting, woodwork,
leatherwork, and more!
Arts Unframed, in Wyewood on September 26, will be an
open forum for teaching, learning, displaying, demonstrating, performing,
sharing, meeting people, and whatever else you can devise. Visit the A&S Consult Table, where you
can get advice on current or future projects, including competition entries. Pursue the Laurel scavenger hunt – collect
signatures of Laurels on site to meet people and earn a prize! Share displays, such as those for demos or
A&S entries, or bring a new project.
Perform a new piece or old favorite. Bring books to share and browse
from others’ collections. Lunch will be
available; site open 9 to 5.
Event Website: http://arts-unframed.weebly.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1574993909428221/
An Tir Calendar: http://www.antir.sca.org/Upcoming/?Event_ID=3821
In Service,
Dame Esclarmonde de Porcairages
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