[Wyewood] Wyewoodians at Glymm Mere archery practice

Tim Geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Jul 11 19:09:20 PDT 2015

A couple (literally, a couple)  Wyewoodians travelled far to the south to
attend Glymm Mere's archery practice.


I am happy to report that Glymm Mere's practice is increasing in attendance!

5 people shot the York.  4 crossbow, 1 handbow.  3 first time, 2

Scores recorded by Wyewoodians were as follows:

York Crossbow:

Avine de Hert - 175 (first ever York!)

Tymme Lytefelow - 636 (career high!)



Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow



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