[Wyewood] Hospitality Coranation

Heather Lazzaretti via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Jul 10 23:11:30 PDT 2015

You are a bless'ed woman. Thank you!


On 7/10/2015 12:00 PM, Laura Pfafman via Wyewood wrote:
> Hi Arabella,
> Constantine and I would be happy to manage hospitality for Wyewood at July
> Coronation.  We will be at FCS tonight, so I can pick up the bins from you
> then.
> See you at FCS,
> Symonne
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 8:28 PM, Deborah Tatarek via Wyewood <
> wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> wrote:
>>   Greeting Wyewood, Coronation is next week and we need some one to run the
>> hospitality table there.  Duties include setting up the table, putting out
>> the food, restocking and putting stuff away at the end of the day and
>> getting the dishes washed.  As I and my fellow Hospitality Coordinator will
>> not be able to attend we need some one who is willing to do this.Also, I
>> know it is late notice but if anyone who is not going to Coronation would
>> like to contribute something. Could you please bring it to Tomorrow Social
>> and I will collect it there.Whoever is taking the Wyewood stuff down, could
>> you please bring the hospitality bins, there are two.  We also need a table
>> and the Water jugs.
>> Thank youLady Arabella
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