[Wyewood] Children at Wyewood Champions August 8th

Jason Pfafman via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Fri Jul 10 16:43:59 PDT 2015

Lady Alamanda:

I have a bocce set I can bring for all to use, which is close enough to boules to be equally entertaining.    I keep telling myself I will make a kubb set, but that has not happened yet.  Maybe inspiration will strike before the event!
In Service,
     From: Alamanda de Claret via Wyewood <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
 To: "wyewood at lists.wyewood.org" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> 
 Sent: Friday, July 10, 2015 4:05 PM
 Subject: [Wyewood] Children at Wyewood Champions August 8th

I will be coordinating some activities and games for the children attending the upcoming Wyewood Champions.  At this time I am planning on having:

Various board and table games

Quoits (ring toss)

Boules / Lawn Bowling (if I can make/find some)

Hobby Horse Races

Hobby Horse Quintain

This will be open not just to those who are under the age of majority, but open to any who wish to partake in the fun !

If you have some boules or other medieval 'yard' games please give me a shout and I will come get them.

In service,

Lady Alamanda de Claret
Wyewood mailing list
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