[Wyewood] Archery practice July 4th recap

Tim Geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Jul 4 21:07:48 PDT 2015

We had great (aka oh my gosh too hot) weather for shooting.  29 people
showed up to shoot and have fun.

I (Tymme) broke my 5th prod, 3 shots into practice.  I also got the pleasure
of teaching a couple new archers.


Scores submitted were:


Tomas - 69, Stefno - 26 (first royal round!), Johann - 33, Biorn Atlason -
56 (career high!), Sebhdann - 53



Rignach - 50 (first ever crossbow score!)


Period Crossbow:

Rignach - 46 (first ever period crossbow score!)


Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow



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