[Wyewood] Costuming class at July FCS

Yvette du Coeur via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Jul 2 09:32:10 PDT 2015

After a discussion with the Seneschal off list, I will be moving my class
start time to 8pm. This will allow those who want to do both classes
(beadmaking and costuming) to do so.

Yvette du Coeur

Head of Costumer's Guild, Barony of Aquaterra
Chamberlain, Barony of Aquaterra

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 8:47 PM, Yvette du Coeur <yvetteducoeur at gmail.com>

> OK. I am going to try this again.  I will be teaching my measuring class
> on Friday July 10 at the FCS. Class will begin at about 7:15.  Please bring
> note taking materials, and if you would like to donate a buck to help
> offset to cost of the handouts, that would be much appreciated, but not
> required.
> Yvette du Coeur
> Head of Costumer's Guild, Barony of Aquaterra
> Chamberlain, Barony of Aquaterra

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