[Wyewood] Champions court Award recommendations

robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Wed Jul 1 06:30:13 PDT 2015

Greetings from Robert and Gabri 
Wyewood will be holding their next court at our Champions eventin August.  While we all like short courts, it would be nice torecognize our populace too.  To that end, we would like to hear fromanyone in the populace, in or out of the Barony who would liketo recommend someone for an award.  The sooner you contact us,the sooner we can get the scrolls made, etc.

As always, if you wish to recommend someone for a kingdom levelaward. Please send a copy of the recommendation to the coronets sowe can also add our support.  Please send them to

To help you out, here is a list of the awards we can give

The Argent Increscent is given to newcomers who have demonstrated chivalry, courtesy, and enthusiasm in service, arts and sciences, or martial activities, showing they are on the path to being active and contributing members of the Society and inspiring others with their enthusiasm
The Periwyncle recognizes culinary service of members of the Barony of Wyewood. Although this is a polling order, we are always looking for deserving individuals. 
Compaignie de Forche  recognizes gentles
whose continuing and dedicated service contribute to the functioning of the
barony and the society. 
La Compagnie du Cuillier  recognizes gentles whose skill and teaching in the arts and sciences enrich the Barony.  
La Compagnie du Couteau  recognizes gentles whose continuing prowess and service in the
martial arts bring honor to the Coronets and people of Wyewood.  
Wye Knot The Wye Knot is given once a year to an individual who is the best embodiment of the spirit of Wyewood. This individual is a well rounded person who is active in many areas of the SCA and within the Barony. Although it is a polling order, Recommendations for the recipient are also solicited from the populace.  This is our oldest and highest award.
We also had our second level awards for Service Martial and Arts andsciences recently approved.  Felowshipe of the Wynged Forke, Wynged Spone and Wynged Knyfe


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