[Wyewood] Dec 19 archery practice recap

Tim Geyer via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Dec 19 15:39:35 PST 2015

We had 13 people come out to shoot, get slightly rained on, and enjoy being
outdoors.  Much focus was put on the SSAC (the first 20 yards of the range
were the least soupy).  Scores submitted were:


SSAC Yin-Yang shoot:

Open Handbow:

Irene - 22, Dearbhail - 56, KC - 22, Crystal - 28

Period Crossbow (same scoring as open, just period equipment):

Avine - 7, Tymme - 62



Johann - 61



Tymme - 90, Avine - 62


Period Crossbow:

Tymme - 94



Tymme "Prodkiller" Lytefelow, OGGS

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