[Wyewood] Wyewood Champions

via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Apr 27 17:19:00 PDT 2015

I'll write up the event for the Crier and post that, hopefully tonight. It'll have all the info! 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Alessandra da Montefeltro via Wyewood" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> 
To: "Wyewood E-List" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org> 
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2015 3:57:58 PM 
Subject: [Wyewood] Wyewood Champions 


Please provide ALL the details for the Champions event to the email list -- date, time, location, costs, etc. 

Please keep in mind there are members and friends of Wyewood who are not on FaceBook and FaceBook is not our official channel of communication. 

Thank you! 

Seneschal Wyewood 
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile 
Wyewood mailing list 
Wyewood at lists.wyewood.org 

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