[Wyewood] A&S activities at Wyewood Champions tourney

M Wolfe via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Apr 23 21:12:57 PDT 2015

Thanks, Esclarmonde. We've never done one, and I'm hoping that folks will
take advantage of a non-competitive format to share and learn. It might even
be a sneaky way to find new ideas or projects!




From: Barbara [mailto:snail_or at msn.com] 
Sent: Thursday, April 23, 2015 7:42 PM
To: Rauthulfr 2; wyewood
Subject: RE: [Wyewood] A&S activities at Wyewood Champions tourney


What a great idea, Master Raulthufr!  I hope many people bring their
creations and projects to share!



> To: wyewood at wyewood.org
> Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2015 20:56:15 -0700
> Subject: [Wyewood] A&S activities at Wyewood Champions tourney
> From: wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
> Greetings from Rauthulfr, Wyewood A&S Champion.
> I thought it would be fun to try something new for the barony this summer.

> At Wyewood's upcoming Champions event, we shall be hosting the baronies
> first Fred! What's a Fred? That is indeed a fair question. To say that
> a non-competitive A&S venue is a beginning, but a more complete answer
> requires some digression; particularly so, given that Wyewood has never
> a Fred within our borders.
> Those gentles who have played for a while will remember the Laurel's Prize
> Tourney. They'll also probably remember that it wasn't for Laurels; that
> didn't really involve prizes; and that it wasn't actually a tourney. So as
> to correct these misconceptions, the An Tir Laurel Council adopted a
> of name: Thenceforth, they were to be known as Freds. After all, if
> can happen on Erics....
> A Fred is venue for artisans to gather so as to display, present, and
> their projects. Projects can be at any stage of creation or completion.
> Because there is no competition, a Fred is a great place to share insights
> or seek for help with difficulties. The environment is one of constructive
> comments, and of sharing a mutual enthusiasm the Arts & Sciences.
> Documentation is welcome, although it is not required. It is also
> to bear in mind, that unlike most A&S gatherings, authenticity and
> "periodness" are secondary to creation and creativity. This being so,
> is no age restriction, and even the youngest artisans may bring projects. 
> Gentles wishing to present a project are encouraged to R.S.V.P. so that
> we'll have an idea of how much room will be needed.
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