[Wyewood] A&S activities at Wyewood Champions tourney

M Wolfe via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Tue Apr 21 20:56:15 PDT 2015

Greetings from Rauthulfr, Wyewood A&S Champion.


I thought it would be fun to try something new for the barony this summer. 


At Wyewood's upcoming Champions event, we shall be hosting the baronies
first Fred! What's a Fred? That is indeed a fair question. To say that it's
a non-competitive A&S venue is a beginning, but a more complete answer
requires some digression; particularly so, given that Wyewood has never held
a Fred within our borders.


Those gentles who have played for a while will remember the Laurel's Prize
Tourney. They'll also probably remember that it wasn't for Laurels; that
didn't really involve prizes; and that it wasn't actually a tourney. So as
to correct these misconceptions, the An Tir Laurel Council adopted a change
of name: Thenceforth, they were to be known as Freds. After all, if fighting
can happen on Erics....


A Fred is venue for artisans to gather so as to display, present, and share
their projects. Projects can be at any stage of creation or completion.
Because there is no competition, a Fred is a great place to share insights
or seek for help with difficulties. The environment is one of constructive
comments, and of sharing a mutual enthusiasm the Arts & Sciences.


Documentation is welcome, although it is not required. It is also important
to bear in mind, that unlike most A&S gatherings, authenticity and
"periodness" are secondary to creation and creativity. This being so, there
is no age restriction, and even the youngest artisans may bring projects. 


Gentles wishing to present a project are encouraged to R.S.V.P. so that
we'll have an idea of how much room will be needed.

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