[Wyewood] AQ Costumers Guild upcoming gatherings

Yvette du Coeur via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Mon Apr 20 15:08:04 PDT 2015

Greetings all,
The next scheduled Aquaterra Costumers Guild gatherings are Saturday May 30
1-4:45pm and Saturday June 20 1-4:45pm.  These are both in the Activity
room of the main branch of the Everett Library.  Bring whatever sewing
project you are working on, any questions you may have, and any research
you need help with.

Tables and chairs are provided, so all you need to bring is your project
and sewing machine (and extension cord) if you need it.

See you next month.

Yvette du Coeur

Head of Costumer's Guild, Barony of Aquaterra
Chamberlain, Barony of Aquaterra

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