[Wyewood] Archery practice is on

megoodgal1 via Wyewood wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Sat Apr 11 11:40:05 PDT 2015

Real life got all too real and ornery this morning so I have to  beg off the equipment class today.  Thank you Tymme for making the class happen...hope I can take advantage of it next time around. 


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From:"Tim Geyer via Wyewood" <wyewood at lists.wyewood.org>
Date:Sat, Apr 11, 2015 at 8:58 AM
Subject:[Wyewood] Archery practice is on

Copied from Evrard:

Good morning Wyewood!

It appears there is a lovely weather window between 10-2, perfect for
shooting arrows and bolts this morning.

Please come and take advantage of the freshly mown field by Gervais (A
thousand thank you's sir!)

Wear your boots as this side of the range has not yet been tramped down by
thousands of footsteps and can be quite squishy.

Come early (10am) for the archery but stay for the equipment inspection
class by Tymme!

Shoot Straight my friends!

Evrard de Valogne

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