[Wyewood] WARNING: Baroness War Parking. Last minute change
robert Trinitie TCh. via Wyewood
wyewood at lists.wyewood.org
Thu Apr 9 14:57:21 PDT 2015
An Tir Events - Virtual FeedFrom the Baroness' War page.
"LAST MINUTE UPDATE!!!!! Due to a change in Park Rangers, our previous arrangement with parking & Discover Passes no longer applies. What that means is this: You must have a State Parks Discover Pass clearly displayed in/on your vehicle. They are available for $35 anywhere that you can purchase a State Hunting or Fishing License. If you do not want to purchase the yearly pass, it is a $10 a day park usage fee. If you do not purchase one of these options, you will be fined by the State Parks (and will be liable for) $100.
The only acception to this is, if you are renting an assigned camping space for your tent or RV. If you are doing that, the Discover Pass or $10 day fee are waived. We sincerely apologize for this last minute inconvenience. The State Parks Department just informed us of this change. We are trying to come up with an alternative place to park vehicles and ferry people to the park, but with only 24 hours notice, we will be hard pressed. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. - Katya"
Baron Robert
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